The Movie After You Can Draw Me to Fire Quote

Our list of the best quotes from the romantic drama After film series based on the series of novels by Anna Todd. The story centers on Tessa Young (Josephine Langford), dedicated student, dutiful daughter, and loyal girlfriend to her high-school sweetheart, as she enters her first semester in college armed with grand ambitions for her future. However, when she crosses paths with the complicated and mysterious Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin), he makes her question all she thought she knew about herself and what she wants from life.

You can also get a copy of the complete book series!

'There are moments in our lives that seem to define us. Moments we keep going back to.' - Tessa Young (After) Click To Tweet

1. After (2019)

'She took my hand and led me out of the darkness and showed me that whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same.' - Hardin Scott (After) Click To Tweet

Tessa Young: My life before him was so simple and decided. And now, after him, there's just, after.

[as she finds Hardin in her dorm room after having a shower]
Tessa Young: Uh, excuse me? I think that you're in the wrong room.
Hardin Scott: I'm in the right room.
Tessa Young: How did you even get in here?
[Hardin holds up the key]
Tessa Young: Okay. Can you please go out into the hall so I can get dressed?
Hardin Scott: Don't flatter yourself. I'm not looking.

Hardin Scott: The Great Gatsby. It's a good book. I'd hate to spoil it, but it was all a dream.
Tessa Young: Actually, it was all a lie.

Steph: [takes Tessa to a party and starts to drink] I need things to be way less in focus.

Tessa Young: [refuses to kiss Hardin during their truth or dare game] I'm done playing this game.
Zed: I like this girl.
Molly: Oh, Hardin Scott got his first rejection.

Hardin Scott: "He's more myself than I am. "Whatever our souls are made of. His and mine are the same." It's Brontë, Theresa.
Tessa Young: I know it's Brontë. And my name is Tessa.

Hardin Scott: What are you doing in my room, Tessa?
Tessa Young: Your room?
Hardin Scott: Yes. Are we still playing? Because I think you owe me a dare.
Tessa Young: [as Hardin leans in to kiss her] Wait. I can't. I need to go.

Hardin Scott: [during their literature class] Pride and Prejudice? Elizabeth Bennet needs to chill. She gave Darcy a way worse time than he deserved.
Professor Soto: Are you saying that Darcy was not in love with Elizabeth?
Hardin Scott: Love is just a transaction. We're all hardwired to desire. We present the correct set of desirable traits, and boom. We can turn it on, and we can turn it off.

Tessa Young: [referring to Pride and Prejudice] I think that it was the most revolutionary feminist novel that I'd ever read. That a woman of that era would have the strength to reject Darcy when he treated her poorly.
Hardin Scott: That's a load.

Hardin Scott: It was Darcy's very attitude that attracted Elizabeth to him.
Tessa Young: Darcy's attitude was rude and mocking. I think that he was lucky to be with a woman with as much integrity as Elizabeth.
Hardin Scott: The only reason he even asked her to marry him was because she wouldn't stop throwing herself at…
Tessa Young: Throwing herself at him? He was pursuing her.
Hardin Scott: She's clearly not satisfied with her life and is looking for excitement wherever she can get it.
Tessa Young: Well, I think that it's obviously all in his head that she had any feelings for him at all.
Professor Soto: Well, there you have it. That's the power of a good book.

Hardin Scott: [referring to their debate in literature class] That was exciting.
Tessa Young: No, it was annoying.
Hardin Scott: I enjoyed it.
Tessa Young: Look, whatever you're thinking, don't. Nothing happened between us, okay? I have a boyfriend.
Hardin Scott: Us? I thought we were talking about Pride and Prejudice.

Hardin Scott: [as Tessa runs into him at the coffee shop] I can't stay away from you.
Tessa Young: What?
Hardin Scott: Well, we're going to see each other. I'm friends with Steph, and you're roommates. Tessa, let's just start over. Just reset, and we can be…
Tessa Young: What, friends?
Hardin Scott: Well, why not?

Hardin Scott: I want to show you something.
Tessa Young: So, show me, then.
Hardin Scott: It's a place.
Tessa Young: I think that it's better if we keep our distance.
[Hardin takes a step back from her and Tessa laughs]
Hardin Scott: I'll see you around.

[as Hardin takes her to his secret spot at the lake]
Hardin Scott: Welcome to my favorite place.
Tessa Young: It's beautiful.

Tessa Young: Can I ask you something?
Hardin Scott: Do I even have a choice?
Tessa Young: Who do you love the most in the world?
Hardin Scott: Easy. Myself.
Tessa Young: Of course you do.

Tessa Young: I thought that you just wanted to be friends.
Hardin Scott: I don't think we can ever be just friends.
[they kiss for the first time]

Hardin Scott: [as he starts touching Tessa by the lake] Have you never been touched before?
Tessa Young: [shakes her head] Why did you stop?
Hardin Scott: We've got time.

Tessa Young: So, why do you call them chips?
Hardin Scott: Why do you call them fries?
Tessa Young: Because they're fried.
Hardin Scott: They're not French.

Tessa Young: So, what's your story then?
Hardin Scott: My story?
Tessa Young: Yeah. Like your family. How you ended up here.
Hardin Scott: I'll pass. I just don't think asking a bunch of arbitrary questions about someone's past is really going to tell you who they are. I can find out who you are by sitting here and spending time with you.

Hardin Scott: [Tessa sits silently just staring at him] What are you doing?
Tessa Young: I'm just waiting for you to reveal your true self to me by just sitting here and spending time with you.

Tessa Young: Why do you have all those romance novels if you don't believe in love?
Hardin Scott: Who says I don't believe in love?
Tessa Young: You did, in Soto's class.
Hardin Scott: True. Maybe don't believe everything I say then.

Tessa Young: You know, I am going to tell Noah about us. I just…
Hardin Scott: Us? What do you mean, "us"? If you want to dump Mr. High School, then go ahead, but don't do it on my account.
Tessa Young: What?
Hardin Scott: Look, it was fun. But I don't date.
Tessa Young: Are you actually kidding me?

Hardin Scott: I'm sorry for how I treated you.
Tessa Young: If you don't date, if that's how you feel…
Hardin Scott: I don't think that is how I feel anymore. I'm a mess.
Tessa Young: I think that we're both a mess.
[they start making out, then Harding pulls her shirt up]
Hardin Scott: You don't ever have to cover up, not for me.

[after Noah breaks up with Tessa because of Hardin]
Tessa Young: When my dad left, I was ten. He left us with nothing. And my mom, she just sort of fell apart. I had to take care of her alone. But Noah was there for me, you know? I hate myself for what I did to him.
Hardin Scott: Tessa, it's not your fault.
Tessa Young: Yeah, it is. Noah is my best friend. But you, you're so much more.

Carol Young: You're going to break up with this boy, and you are going to focus on your schoolwork.
Tessa Young: Do you even know what it has been like trying to be perfect for you? Having you mold my life into the way that you wanted it to be?
Carol Young: I did it for your own good.
Tessa Young: I am so, so sorry, mom, that your life didn't work out the way that you wanted it to. I really am. But this is my life and you have to let me live it.
Carol Young: Is that really what you want?
Tessa Young: Yes.
Carol Young: If I leave now, you're cut off. He's going to break your heart.

Hardin Scott: [referring to the apartment] When you told me your mom was going to cut you off, I had to do something. We can stay here for the rest of the year. Just you and me.
Tessa Young: You did this for me?

Hardin Scott: I still can't believe it.
Tessa Young: Hm? Believe what?
Hardin Scott: That you're mine.
Tessa Young: Not this again.
Hardin Scott: I don't deserve you.
Tessa Young: Nothing could ever change the way that I feel about you.

Hardin Scott: [at his father's wedding reception] That's not the man I grew up with. My father was a drunk, and nothing more.
Tessa Young: At least he's trying. Which is more than my father ever did. People change.
Hardin Scott: Clearly. It still doesn't change what happened.

Hardin Scott: [as Molly shows Tessa the video she took at the first party they went to] You lot don't think I can make it happen?
Molly: Make what happen, Hardin?
Hardin Scott: Here's a dare. Make her fall in love with me. And then, I'll just turn it off.
Molly: [to Tessa] It was all a game.

Tessa Young: So what exactly did you tell them then?
Hardin Scott: Nothing.
Tessa Young: None of it was real. I actually thought, I thought that… You're just a liar!
Hardin Scott: That was all before.
Tessa Young: Before what?
Hardin Scott: Before…
Tessa Young: You snapped your fingers, and you turned it off.
Hardin Scott: You said nothing could change the way you felt about me.
Tessa Young: Then I guess we're both liars.

Tessa Young: [after Tessa returns home and reconciles with her mom] I'm so sorry, Noah. I never meant to hurt you.
Noah: Yeah, I know.
Tessa Young: I guess I just never saw any of this coming.
Noah: Yeah, but that's like the point. Right? We change, and we discover who we are. I think that's okay.

Hardin Scott: [as Tessa reads Hardin's literature essay was about her] "I've read hundreds of novels in my life. Most of them claiming that love was the center of the universe, that it could heal any damage inside of us, that it was what we need to survive. From Darcy to Heathcliff, I thought they were fools, that love was something fictional, only found in worn pages of a book. But that has all changed since I met my Elizabeth Bennet. I never thought I would find myself completely and utterly consumed by another, until her. She took my hand and led me out of the darkness and showed me that whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. You once asked who I loved most in this world. It's you."

2. After We Collided (2020)

Hardin Scott: The entire world is a collection of memoranda that she did exist, and that I have lost her. Whatever our souls are made of, hers and mine are the same. A rather pretentious way to open our story, but I've always had a flair for the dramatic. You see, this is our story. Tessa's and mine.

Hardin Scott: It's a story you've heard before, passed down from the Greeks, through Shakespeare, the Brontes, Jane Austen. It's the story of a young girl exploring her independence, free from the bonds of her oppressive parent, and promised to a boy she clearly does not love. She meets a dashingly handsome young man, who sweeps her off her feet, even though he represents everything she detests. She falls for him, gives herself to him, and is ultimately betrayed by him, and left shattered. Only it is he who is destroyed by his deceit. When it feels as though all is lost, the two reunite and live happily ever after.

Hardin Scott: Like I've said, a story you've heard before. Only difference is, this isn't that story.

Uber Driver: [to Tessa] Wooh! Sure don't seem like Christmas out here, all this heat we've been having. You know, I hate the heat. Heat make people do some crazy things.

Tessa Young: [to Trevor] Excuse me! Sir, can you hold that elevator, please!
[the elevator door closes]
Tessa Young: A**wipe!

Trevor Matthews: [as Tessa gets into the elevator] Did you call me an a**wipe?
Tessa Young: Excuse me?
Trevor Matthews: You just called me an a**wipe.
Tessa Young: No. I didn't.
Trevor Matthews: Yeah, I guess I just imagined it.
Tessa Young: Guess so.

Trevor Matthews: You know, I was trying to hold the elevator for you.
Tessa Young: Sure you were. Look, I'm sorry. It's my first day. I'm just trying to make an impression.
Trevor Matthews: Well, you certainly succeeded at that.
Tessa Young: [to herself as she gets out of the elevator] A**wipe.

Tessa Young: Hi. Kimberly, right?
Kim: Excellent memory. I'm impressed.
Trevor Matthews: Yes, she makes quite the impression.
Kim: You two know each other?
Trevor Matthews: Uh, we're old friends.

Trevor Matthews: [to Tessa] Little work tip. It helps if you don't wear the same clothes every day. That, and showering.

[refusing the alcohol as he's about to get another tattoo]
Hardin Scott: I'm good.
Tattoo Artist: Come on, it'll ease the pain.
Hardin Scott: I like the pain.
Tattoo Artist: Well, suit yourself, you f***ing masochist.

Kim: Vance and I are more than co-workers.
Tessa Young: Oh.
Kim: It was strictly a work thing for years, especially after his wife died. Then I started helping out with his son Smith. And, well, love can really take you by surprise.
Tessa Young: Yes, it can.

Trevor Matthews: [as he sees Tessa walking down the stairs] Wow. You clean up nicely.
Christian Vance: Jee, Trevor, you sure know how to charm the ladies.

Zed: Well, well, look what the cat dragged in.
Hardin Scott: That's a stupid f***ing expression. Why would a cat drag me anywhere?

Molly Samuels: [comes up behind Hardin and covers his eyes] Guess who. Okay, I'll give you a hint. She's super f***ing hot, a lot of fun, and loves to f***.
Hardin Scott: Mother Teresa.
Molly Samuels: No. Ew.

Molly Samuels: I know, I look amazing. I've had like no carbs in eight weeks, but I'm feeling f***ing fantastic.
Hardin Scott: Wow.
Steph: Yeah, it's from the lack of carbs and not all the blow.
Molly Samuels: Don't you have some carpets to munch on?
Steph: Don't you have some d**k to suck?

Molly Samuels: [as Hardin pushes Molly off] What the f***, Hardin?! Hardin, you didn't mind f***ing me before, though, right? Oh, let me guess. You're still moping over that stuck-up b**ch.
Hardin Scott: Don't f***ing talk about her, okay?!
Molly Samuels: Look at you. You look like a lost little puppy over some Virgin Mary turned skank who doesn't even want you!

Tessa Young: [drunkenly calls Hardin from the nightclub] I just wanted to inform you that I look hot, and you're missing it.
Hardin Scott: Tessa, where are you?
Tessa Young: Somewhere that you're not.
Hardin Scott: Tess, I have your location, I can find you.

Tessa Young: Oh, hey, Hardin? I'm the commander. I've been the commander all night. Commander. What's it called? I'm not wearing any underwear!
Hardin Scott: Tess, who are you with?
Tessa Young: Why haven't you called me?
Hardin Scott: I've texted you a hundred times! You haven't replied!
Tessa Young: I actually have to go. But it was nice talking to you, Mr. Hardin Scott. So, goodbye.

Trevor Matthews: I'm drunk, uncomfortable, and I saw a tampon on the ground. I'm leaving.
Tessa Young: Yeah, no, me too.

Tessa Young: What's your favorite book?
Trevor Matthews: It's The Principles of Economics by Alfred Marshall.
Tessa Young: No, it's not.
Trevor Matthews: [laughs] Yeah, it is.
Tessa Young: No. I mean like fiction. Like a real book.
Trevor Matthews: I don't do fiction. I mean, have you seen how I dress?
Tessa Young: [playfully] You heathen!

Tessa Young: Fiction is an escape from reality. It's a way that like you can live a hundred lives, or even a thousand.
Trevor Matthews: I don't need to live a thousand lives. Okay? And I would rather watch paint dry.

Trevor Matthews: [as Hardin finds Trevor in his underwear in Tessa's room] Hey, Hardin, didn't see you. How you been?
Hardin Scott: F***ing Trevor?!
Trevor Matthews: Time to go, I think.

Tessa Young: You're such a d**k. Why are you even here?
Hardin Scott: I'm a d**k? I'm not the one taking advantage of drunk girls.
Tessa Young: You do know that not every guy is trying to get into my pants, right?
Hardin Scott: You'd be surprised.

Tessa Young: You can't tell me who I can and can't have sex with, because it's none of your business anymore!
Hardin Scott: Were you going to have sex with him?
Tessa Young: Oh, my God!
Hardin Scott: What?
Tessa Young: You're insane!
Hardin Scott: You're avoiding the question.

Tessa Young: You don't like the idea of Trevor's hands all over my body? Touching me?
[she kisses Hardin's ear]
Tessa Young: I've missed this.

Tessa Young: [as she's touching Hardin] You don't want this?
Hardin Scott: Of course I want this. But…
Tessa Young: Hardin, you have two options here. Either you f*** me, or you leave. You decide.
[he starts kissing her]

Tessa Young: Do you have a condom?
Hardin Scott: Are you sure?
Tessa Young: Why not.
Hardin Scott: You'll hate me tomorrow.
Tessa Young: Yeah. Well, I hate you already.

Hardin Scott: [as they're having sex] Tell me I'm the only one.
Tessa Young: You're the only one.

Tessa Young: [as Hardin's calling out to her] What do you want?!
Hardin Scott: The other Tessa. The one who's nice?
Tessa Young: Yeah, well, she's late for work!

[as Hardin sees her in her underwear]
Tessa Young: Hey! Privacy!
Hardin Scott: Privacy. After what we did last night, you want privacy?
Tessa Young: Don't remind me.
Hardin Scott: Hey, you called me.
Tessa Young: I didn't tell you to come here.
Hardin Scott: Okay, I'm starting to get the feeling you're not entirely cool with what happened last night.
Tessa Young: No, I'm not cool with it.

Hardin Scott: Well, do you want to talk about it?
Tessa Young: Nope. You hurt me and I can't forgive you. That's it.
Hardin Scott: So last night meant nothing.
Tessa Young: I was drunk. I called you. You came here. I made a mistake.
Hardin Scott: But you obviously missed me.

Hardin Scott: My Tessa would never kiss a f***ing stranger at a club!
Tessa Young: There is no "Your Tessa" anymore!
Hardin Scott: Yeah, well, when you were kissing that guy, I was f***ing Molly.
Tessa Young: F*** you!

Tessa Young: Trevor, I'm so sorry about last night.
Trevor Matthews: No, don't be. If I showed up to my girlfriend's hotel room, and I saw a half-naked, incredibly handsome man there, I'd react the same way. Is he still lurking around? Should I be hiding in the van?
Tessa Young: He's the one that should be hiding. And we are not together.

Trevor Matthews: You know, I didn't peg you as the bad boy type.
Tessa Young: We'll save that for another time.

Hardin Scott: Look, bro, I know I…
Landon Gibson: No, step-bro. I'm not your brother. You made that very clear. And if I was Tessa, I'd never speak to you again, Hardin. It's unforgiveable.
Hardin Scott: You think I don't know that?! I know I f***ed up! I know! She won't return my calls or texts.

Hardin Scott: I found out she kissed some guy. And I told her I f***ed Molly.
Landon Gibson: You slept with Molly?
Hardin Scott: No, I said I did. That's the point. I didn't. I said it to get back at her, and I realized how stupid that was.

Landon Gibson: So you're just going to run away like you do from everything. Right? Where you going?
Hardin Scott: London. I was going to take her with me. I'll see you next year.
Landon Gibson: Hardin, do you really love her? No bulls**t.
Hardin Scott: Yes. Of course I f***ing love her. I've never felt this way about anyone before! I just wish I didn't f*** the whole thing up.

Landon Gibson: I'm actually looking at your birthday horoscope. So first off, you share a birthday with Joseph Stalin.
Tessa Young: Great.
Landon Gibson: You are a proud, idealistic person.
Tessa Young: Like Stalin.
Landon Gibson: You are more emotional than is obvious. You may solidify a romantic relationship, or become involved with a mature partner. Mature. That doesn't really sound…
Tessa Young: No, it doesn't.

[as Tessa has flashback of when Hardin read to her]
Hardin Scott: "You can draw me to fire. You can draw me to water. You can draw me to the gallows. You can draw me to any death."

Trish Daniels: I cannot believe how pretty you are. I mean, Hardin said you were the most beautiful girl in the world. But honestly, I thought you were going to be covered in tattoos, green hair, and a piercing on your bean.
Tessa Young: What bean?
Hardin Scott: Mum!
Trish Daniels: Don't be so melodramatic, Hardin. You and I are going to be the best of friends.

Tessa Young: Why didn't you tell her that we broke up?
Hardin Scott: She was so excited when I told her first, I couldn't ruin it for her.
Tessa Young: Hardin!
Hardin Scott: She's my mum! I couldn't tell her about the stupid bet, okay? I'm sorry.

Hardin Scott: I don't expect you to pretend we're still together.
Tessa Young: It's fine.
Hardin Scott: What's fine?
Tessa Young: I said it's fine. I'll play along.

Trish Daniels: [shows Tessa baby photos of Hardin] I know I'm biased because I'm his mum, but isn't that just the cutest little bum you've ever seen?
Hardin Scott: Oh, my God. Mum, please.
Trish Daniels: Oh, hush.
Tessa Young: It's a pretty cute bum, Hardin.
Hardin Scott: Right. Well, you guys are obviously having lots of fun. So I'm just going to clear up, and then set myself on fire.

Hardin Scott: I'm just going to grab a blanket and sleep on the floor.
Tessa Young: You don't think we could share the bed and not, you know.
Hardin Scott: Do you?
Tessa Young: Well, I'd like to think that we're not total Neanderthals.
Hardin Scott: Okay.

Trish Daniels: I can't tell you how much it means to me to see Hardin this way.
Tessa Young: What way?
Trish Daniels: Happy.

Tessa Young: [after finding out her dad wanted to see her] I just don't understand why you would keep that a secret.
Carol Young: And you never kept any secrets from me? Because I can think of a big one, and so can Noah. I thought we got past this little hiccup once you got your heart broken. But I can tell by the sound of your voice that this not the case. This boy is not good for you, Teresa. He is just like your father.

Tessa Young: I'm so sorry for what happened to you.
Trish Daniels: I just hoped he'd forget the whole thing. But the nightmares kicked in.
Tessa Young: Sorry.
Trish Daniels: And I took him to therapist after therapist, but nothing seemed to help. And then he started self-medicating with alcohol. But he told me that the nightmares went away when he started seeing you.
Tessa Young: I didn't know that.

Trish Daniels: May I ask, why does your mum hate him so much?
Tessa Young: Hardin's your son.
Trish Daniels: Yes, and I love him. But he is not without his challenges. You can tell me. What happened between you two?
Tessa Young: He lied to me.
Trish Daniels: A big lie?
Tessa Young: A massive lie.
Trish Daniels: Is he sorry?
Tessa Young: He is.

Hardin Scott: [ gives Tessa a card] Happy belated.
Tessa Young: But you already got me a gift.
Hardin Scott: True, but you had to snoop around and open it without me, thus denying me the pleasure of watching you react to said gift. Therefore…
Tessa Young: "Tessa's perfect day." What's my perfect day?
Hardin Scott: Well, that's for you to decide. Whatever your wish or desire, I will agree to without any snide remarks or tantrums. Your time starts in three, two, one.

Tessa Young: [after Hardin falls during ice skating] Are you okay?
Hardin Scott: Yeah. Just a tad rusty.
Tessa Young: When was the last time you skated?
Hardin Scott: I've never skated before.
Tessa Young: Do you want me to get you a walker?
Hardin Scott: F*** no!

Hardin Scott: Is yoga supposed to be a turn-on? Are you turned on?
Tessa Young: Mm-hmm.
Hardin Scott: Well, can we leave then?
Tessa Young: Mm-hmm.

[as Tessa and Harding are babysitting Vance's young son]
Smith Vance: What are those marks on your arm?
Hardin Scott: My tattoos.
Smith Vance: Why do you have them?
Hardin Scott: Because I like them.
Smith Vance: Don't people think it looks strange?
Hardin Scott: I don't give a f*** what people think.
Smith Vance: Which people don't you give a f*** about?
Hardin Scott: Oh, s**t. Don't say f***.
Smith Vance: S**t.

[referring to the inscription on the charm bracelet he gives Tessa]
Hardin Scott: It says "Whatever our souls are made of…"
Tessa Young: "His and mine are the same."

Tessa Young: I didn't think that I'd see you over the holidays, so I didn't get you anything. Is there anything that you want?
Hardin Scott: Another chance?
Tessa Young: Do you promise to act like this every day?
Hardin Scott: No. But I'll try. Whatever it takes.

Hardin Scott: There's no one else for me, Tessa. No one. I love you.
Tessa Young: I love you too.
Hardin Scott: Don't say "too". Sounds like you're agreeing with me.
Tessa Young: I love you, Hardin.

Hardin Scott: [referring to his father, Ken] Look, I'm sorry I'm not like you. You may be able to forget everything he did, but I can't.
Trish Daniels: I haven't forgotten anything. I've chosen to forgive him so that I can move on. Hardin, resentments like this are going to destroy you. And they're going to take Tessa right down with you.

Trevor Matthews: And I thought I was the only Grinch who worked the day after Christmas.
Tessa Young: We have got to stop meeting like this.
Trevor Matthews: You're right. I'll have restraining orders drafted immediately.

Tessa Young: I thought that things were getting better, but it's clear that he still has a lot of stuff he has to deal with. And I just feel really bad for him, and I don't know how to fix it.
Trevor Matthews: Well, let me ask you this. Are you in love with him?
Tessa Young: I am.
Trevor Matthews: Then you got yourself a problem.
Tessa Young: Those are your words of wisdom?
Trevor Matthews: Hey, I never said I had any words of wisdom.
Tessa Young: No, you just wanted to know whether I actually loved him.

Trevor Matthews: My sister has struggled with addiction her whole life. This thing between you and Hardin, it's not going to end well.
Tessa Young: Well, you're wrong.

Tessa Young: [agrees to go to the frat house New Year's Eve party] I'm not scared of them. Besides, if it blows up in my face, then we can just stay in next year.
[Hardin kisses her]
Tessa Young: What was that for?
Hardin Scott: I just loved how you said "next year".

Molly Samuels: [playing Truth or Dare] Is it true that you're a dumba** for getting back together with Hardin after he clearly f***ed you for a bet?
Hardin Scott: Let's go.
Tessa Young: No, that's not true.
Molly Samuels: Oh, but it is. You believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
Hardin Scott: I f***ing hate you, Molly.
Molly Samuels: Which I don't blame you. Because, oh, man, what that mouth can do. And that tongue.
[Tessa lunges at Molly and they start fighting]

Hardin Scott: [as Tessa takes off his pants] Miss Young, are you objectifying me?
Tessa Young: Why, yes, I am, Mr. Scott.

[after Tessa sees Hardin talking to a girl at the New Year's Eve party]
Hardin Scott: You should know I would never f***ing cheat on you!
Tessa Young: Were you with her tonight? Is she who you disappeared with the whole night?!
Hardin Scott: Yes! I was trying to make her forgive me.
Tessa Young: For what?!
Hardin Scott: Because I'm trying to be a better person for you! That's all I f***ing do!

Hardin Scott: Tell me what else I can do to make you believe that I love you. Tell me! You're never going to trust me.
Tessa Young: Trust you? You think that I should trust you?
Hardin Scott: Yes!
Tessa Young: Where has that ever gotten me?!

Hardin Scott: You're never going to forgive me, are you? You're just going to keep bringing it up, every time.
Tessa Young: Because I don't trust you!
Hardin Scott: You act like you're so f***ing innocent. Like you're perfect. Oh, f*** this. And f*** you!
Tessa Young: F*** you too.

Hardin Scott: [after Tessa has a car crash] Tell me where she is!
Landon Gibson: It's your fault she crashed! You didn't come home last night! Get off of me! She was out looking for you.
Hardin Scott: I don't believe you.

[after Hardin calls Tessa and Trevor answers her phone]
Trevor Matthews: Shut the f*** up and listen to me. You're toxic, and you're bad news. If you love Tessa, and I think that you do, let her go.
Hardin Scott: Trevor, I just want to talk to her. Please. Please. Trevor, please, just let me talk to her.
Trevor Matthews: Give her a chance to find happiness in this life, because she's never going to find it with you.

Hardin Scott: [in his letter to Tessa] "My dearest Tessa, like all our favorite stories, there are happy and unhappy endings. I thought we had a chance for a happy one, but at last, it was not mean to be. I love you with all of my heart, and that's exactly why I had to get as far away from you as possible. We're like an addiction to each other, with equal parts pleasure and pain."

Hardin Scott: [in his letter to Tessa] "And as for that other night, that girl, she was one of my former conquests. I had to apologize for my past in order to have a future with you. But fate just seems to get in our way. So let's cut the bulls**t. You're too damn good for me, and I know it. And somewhere in the back of my mind I always knew we wouldn't last, and I think you did too.

Hardin Scott: [in his letter to Tessa] "I know this is going to be painful at first, and it could take days, even more. But one of those days, you're going to wake up and the sorrow will start to slip away, until we're nothing but a distant memory. Goodbye, Tessa."

Trish Daniels: [referring to Ken] Hardin, what happened that night, it wasn't his fault.
Hardin Scott: And all the other nights? Not his fault?
Trish Daniels: Yeah, it was s**t. It was s**t, and we both deserved better. But the only person you're punishing by not forgiving him is yourself. And Hardin, I want you to stop punishing yourself.

Trish Daniels: Did you hear that Vance was moving to Seattle?
Hardin Scott: Tessa's going too. How did you know?
Trish Daniels: Well, we talk from time to time. He's having a going away party on Sunday, and I think you should get your a** off this sofa, and go get her.
Hardin Scott: No, I can't.
Trish Daniels: Can't? Or you don't want to face what you left behind?
Hardin Scott: I'd have to leave right now.
Trish Daniels: So what are you waiting for?
Hardin Scott: Mum, I'm not going to…
Trish Daniels: Hardin, I love you, but you have to start fighting for what really matters.

Trevor Matthews: [after Vance proposes to Kim] Who said happy endings don't exist?
Tessa Young: Don't tell me. You're the cynic.
Trevor Matthews: I'm turning over a new leaf.

Trevor Matthews: Look, Tessa, there's something I actually want to get off my chest.
Tessa Young: Okay.
Trevor Matthews: The other day, in the hospital, I answered your cell phone, it was Hardin, and I told him to stay away from you.
Tessa Young: What?
Trevor Matthews: In retrospect, I do realize that that was over the line. And I do realize that I let my emotions get the best of me. And I'm sorry, but somehow you bring that side out of me, so.

Tessa Young: [after Hardin shows up at Vance's party] You're just never going to leave me alone, are you?
Hardin Scott: I tried.

Uber Driver: [to Tessa and Hardin] So I was dreaming of a white Christmas. All I got was heat. You know, I hate the heat. Heat get into people's minds and make them do some crazy things.

Hardin Scott: Like I said, this is a story you've heard before. Only difference is, this is our story. Tessa's and mine.

Tessa Young: [reads the new tattoo on Hardin's back] "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on."

Hardin Scott: And who knows? Maybe there is a happy ending for us after all.
[then Tessa's dad shows up]
Hardin Scott: I guess we'll just have to find out.

[mid-credit lines, practicing asking Tessa out on a date in front of the bathroom mirror]
Trevor: I only pull out my teal suit when I have something important to say.

3. After We Fell

'There is a big difference between not being able to live without someone and loving them.' - Hardin Scott (After We Fell) Click To Tweet 'Pain. Lately, I've become very well acquainted with it. The slow and steady aching pain.' - Tessa Young (After We Fell) Click To Tweet

Tessa Young: [referring to Richard] I know that this isn't the most convenient, but you, of all people, should appreciate me giving him a second chance.
Hardin Scott: Me, of all people, would know that he's probably out there right now, shoving all of our s**t into his pockets. He's going to hurt you.
Tessa Young: You don't know him.
Hardin Scott: Neither do you.

Hardin Scott: Look, I'm just trying to protect you.
Tessa Young: I don't need you to protect me.

Landon Gibson: [to Tessa] I'm going to miss you, dude. I'm going to have to start watching The Kardashians to get my fill of drama in your absence.

Hardin Scott: I was hoping that we could move to London after graduation.
Tessa Young: And how was I supposed to know that?
Hardin Scott: Well, I was going to tell you. But, I mean, it doesn't really matter anymore, does it? Because you've made up your mind, you've got a plan. You've envisioned your life in a way that doesn't even have me in it.
Tessa Young: You are in it, if you want to be.

Richard Young: What are we drinking about?
Hardin Scott: I didn't know we needed a reason.
Richard Young: Cheers to that.

Tessa Young: [referring to Richard] You know, I'm not sure that I like this new friendship.
Hardin Scott: I was just trying to be nice. I offered him a ride, and the bar was actually his idea.
Tessa Young: He's an alcoholic, and so are you.
Hardin Scott: Two alcoholics walk into a bar.
Tessa Young: I'm glad that you think this is funny.

Tessa Young: You know, it's not like I want to leave you.
Hardin Scott: You don't have to.
Tessa Young: Vance's offer, it's literally, it's a dream come true. I've wanted to live in Seattle since I was a kid. And the only thing that would make it better is if you came with me.

Tessa Young: I want to make a life together.
Hardin Scott: So do I! So stay here, and we can.
Tessa Young: You're not listening to me!
Hardin Scott: I am listening!

Hardin Scott: You have a great job in Seattle. That is great. I'm happy for you. But I don't. I don't have anything there.
Tessa Young: You'd have me.
Hardin Scott: Okay, that's not enough!

Tessa Young: [to Hardin] Well, if I'm not enough, that's your problem. But you're not going to stop me.

Kimberly: Christian was pretty disappointed Hardin turned him down on his job offer.
Tessa Young: What job was that?
Kimberly: Basically, anything he wanted.

Tessa Young: Can you stop saying things that you don't mean? Because I can't tell what's true and what's not.
Hardin Scott: Can you maybe stop making decisions without talking things through first?

Hardin Scott: [referring to Vance and Kimberly] How do you think they make that work, the long distance?
Tessa Young: I don't know. They communicate?

Tessa Young: We do need to stop keeping secrets from each other.
Hardin Scott: Agreed.

Hardin Scott: [as he sees Tessa's outfit] You look like Popeye. A very sexy Popeye.

Karen Scott: Okay, I spy with my little eye something black.
Landon Gibson: Black. Easy, Hardin's soul.

Tessa Young: Apparently, Hardin wanted me to go England with him after graduation. And I don't know. Maybe I should.
Landon Gibson: Tess, you've been gushing about Seattle since the day I first met you. Why stray from your path?

Landon Gibson: [to Tessa] If he loves you, he could follow you. I'm just saying.

Hardin Scott: I don't want to lose this.
Tessa Young: I don't either. But, "If adventures will not befall a young lady in her own village, she must seek them abroad."
Hardin Scott: But, "There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort."
Tessa Young: "You pierce my soul. I'm half agony, half hope."
Hardin Scott: "We are all fools in love."
Tessa Young: I thought you were Darcy. And you've just been Jane Austen the whole time.

Hardin Scott: [to Tessa] You do kind of like it though. The thrill of being caught.

Hardin Scott: Does your moving to Seattle have anything to do with Trevor?
Tessa Young: No. No. I mean, we barely even talk anymore.
Hardin Scott: Did you ever have feelings for him?
Tessa Young: That's two questions.
Hardin Scott: Tess, be honest.
Tessa Young: There was a moment when…
Tessa Young: [Hardin starts to leave] Hey! Seriously? That's not fair!

Tessa Young: I thought that we were going to be more open with each other.
Hardin Scott: So did I.
Tessa Young: [referring to Robert] I didn't ask for his number. He just gave it to me. It wasn't like…
Hardin Scott: No. I just found another guy's number in your things, Tess.

Tessa Young: This is what you do! You sabotage every good moment that we have.
Hardin Scott: No, no, no. If I wanted to try and sabotage a good moment, I would have brought up your moment with Trevor. But, for now, I'll do one at a time, shall I?

Tessa Young: Why can't you just let things be? Like, let us be happy for once.
Hardin Scott: Tess, you must admit, if I were moving away with an admitted love interest, you would have some feelings about that, wouldn't you?
Tessa Young: Love interest? We're friends! From work!

Tessa Young: You don't get to choose who I have as friends!
Hardin Scott: They don't want to be your f***ing friends, okay!
Tessa Young: Then why can't you just trust me?
Hardin Scott: I do! I do trust you. It's them I don't trust!
Tessa Young: No, you don't. You don't trust me. You don't trust anyone. You just control them.

Tessa Young: This honesty thing's really paying off for us. So I won't give up Seattle for you, so you just turn on me?
Hardin Scott: There is a big difference between not being able to live without someone and loving them.

Ken Scott: He is scared of losing you. He loves you. He knows you're the best thing that's ever happened to him.
Tessa Young: Well…
Ken Scott: No, Tessa. It's true. You've changed his life. He knows it. We all know it.

Hardin Scott: She's going to thrive up there, man.
Christian Vance: What, and that's a bad thing? This is a big step for her and her career. You should be happy for her.
Hardin Scott: I am. I am happy.

Tessa Young: [Hardin reads from Tessa's notebook] Pain. Lately, I've become very well acquainted with it. The slow and steady aching pain. The type that comes when you've been hurt repeatedly by the same person. You finally breathe, thinking that yesterday's problem will stay in the past, when, in fact, it's today's problem, tomorrow's problem, and the problem of every day after that. Only in those rare moments when he pulls me to his chest, and makes promises he never seems able to keep, does the pain disappear.

Hardin Scott: [over phone] I'm sorry I hurt you.
Tessa Young: You don't…
Hardin Scott: No. I just want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy.

Tessa Young: [over phone] It's cool that you're boxing.
Hardin Scott: I know, right? I really f***ing like it. It's also nice to be able to punch people and not have anyone call the police.

Hardin Scott: Well, I would if I was there.
Tessa Young: [over phone] What else would you make me do?
Hardin Scott: Theresa Lynn Young, are you trying to have phone sex with me?
Tessa Young: Tell me what you would do if you were here.
Hardin Scott: Are you lying in your bed? Close your eyes.

Hardin Scott: [over phone] I wish I was there watching you right now.
Tessa Young: You like that, don't you? Watching me?
Hardin Scott: F***, yeah. I do.

Hardin Scott: [over phone] How did you sleep?
Tessa Young: Good. Not as good as I do with you.
Hardin Scott: I know the feeling.

Tessa Young: [over phone] Come here. I miss you.
Hardin Scott: I miss you too.
Tessa Young: Don't say "too". It sounds like you're just agreeing with me.
Hardin Scott: I love you.
Tessa Young: I love you.

Hardin Scott: You're a brilliant writer, Tess. And I came across that page about pain, and I just wanted to apologize. The way I made you feel is inexcusable. So, I'm sorry.
Tessa Young: I didn't mean for you to read any of this. It's pretty raw.
Hardin Scott: I'm sure you didn't. I needed to hear it. In your words. And I f***ing hate myself for making you feel that way, but I'm sorry.

Hardin Scott: Can you imagine me in the hat, and the gown, and everything? I don't even want to go to the ceremony.
Christian Vance: I mean, I can't imagine it. But I really want to see it. You got to celebrate your accomplishments. You don't want to look back and regret having not had those experiences. Trust me, I know firsthand.

Kimberly: You two will work it out. Sometimes distance is a good thing.
Tessa Young: You think so?
Kimberly: Honestly, I have no idea.

Kimberly: Relationships, they're complicated.

Hardin Scott: I had this horrible dream of you and Robert. I can't get it out of my f***ing head.
Tessa Young: But I'm here, with you.
Hardin Scott: That's exactly it. I can't help but think that you should be with someone else. Your life would be so much easier.

Hardin Scott: There's all this bad s**t that I've been trying to suppress for so long. It's just all coming up. And there's nothing I can do. And the thought of losing you is just, it's pretty f***ing dark in here, Tess.
Tessa Young: Why didn't you just tell me? That's the whole point of being open with each other.
Hardin Scott: Because it's a burden for me, and I don't want to burden you.

Tessa Young: [to Hardin] I don't want to be with anyone else. I want to be with you.

Tessa Young: [to Hardin] F*** me until you forget about that dream.

Hardin Scott: We didn't use protection last night.
Tessa Young: Yeah, I know. I'll have to go to the drugstore tonight. I should get on the pill anyway.
Hardin Scott: Yeah. Yeah, you with no condom, on a regular basis, that's going to work for me.

Tessa Young: I thought you wanted to show me your hometown.
Hardin Scott: I want to show you London. I do not want to show you my hometown.

Hardin Scott: Hey, this was a good weekend.
Tessa Young: How good?
Hardin Scott: [kisses her] This good. Better.

Richard Young: [referring to Tessa] I'm going to get better for her. I'm going to get better. I promise.

Ken Scott: [to Hardin] It has been a gift, having you here. And I'm grateful that you were willing to give me a chance to see me sober.

Hardin Scott: [referring to Seattle] It's not looking like I'm going to be able to get here for another two months.
Tessa Young: What do you mean, like visit? Wait, what? What? What do you mean?
Hardin Scott: I mean, like for good.
Tessa Young: Like… Wait. Do you mean like move here?
Hardin Scott: It's two months though. So, I mean, I wonder if I should even…
Tessa Young: Are you serious?
Hardin Scott: Should I just call the whole thing off? Maybe I should just cancel it.
Tessa Young: [kisses him] I love you so much.
Hardin Scott: I love you.

Hardin Scott: [referring to Trish's wedding] I really want to bring Tessa, but I don't want to bring her around my old life. It's just a sad house, in a sad place.
Christian Vance: Has she ever made you feel badly about your past?
Hardin Scott: No.
Christian Vance: The only way you can find out if you trust her is to trust her. And it'd mean the world to Trish, having you both there.

Christian Vance: Seriously, mate. Your wedding is a moment that's bigger than anything else that you can possibly imagine. Kind of changes you.
Hardin Scott: And that's why they all fail, right?
Christian Vance: Not all of them. Not if you find the right one. You know, I believe that you have two real great loves. So in your case, that would be Tessa and you.

Tessa Young: [after Hardin's call with Richard] Who was that?
Hardin Scott: That was a random homeless man who I've been letting sleep on my couch. All the hipsters are doing it these days.

Hardin Scott: I'm so glad you came. You're my better place, Tess.

Trish Daniels: [as Hardin catches Trish and Vance together] It's not what you think.
Hardin Scott: Are you f***ing kidding me? Well, it clearly f***ing is! You're getting married tomorrow. What the f*** is wrong with you? And the love of your life, Kimberly, is carrying your f***ing child while you're here.

Trish Daniels: Hardin, Christian and I, he's…
Hardin Scott: What?
Trish Daniels: It's not that simple.

Hardin Scott: Please, don't ever let me go.
Tessa Young: I won't. I'll never let you go.

Kimberly: [referring to Vance's affair with Trish] I'm afraid I won't be able to stay as angry as I am. Trust me, I am. But what do I do? I love him. And I love the life we're building, and I love Smith.

Christian Vance: Look, listen. You are so important to me and your mom.
Hardin Scott: Are you serious? Now you two want to play some sort of united front? F*** off with that.
Christian Vance: You wouldn't be so angry if you didn't care.

Kimberly: [referring to Vance's affair with Trish] You know, I wish I could say I'm surprised, but I'm not. They have a history together. One that I'm not sure I can compete with.

Christian Vance: I was going to tell you ages ago, but your mom didn't want…
Hardin Scott: Tell me what? Tell me what?

Kimberly: [to Tessa] Hardin is Christian's son.

The Movie After You Can Draw Me to Fire Quote


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