What Color Light Is Best for Night Fishing
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Fishing Light Colors: Which Color Is Better?
Fishing Lights are available in three primary colors: White, Green and Blue. Why White, Green and Blue? And which color is better? Anglers has spent years studying how lights attract fish. And discovered white and green wavelengths of light are most attractive to plankton. Plankton is a primary food of many bait fish, so when plankton gather in the lighted portion of the water, bait fish move in to enjoy the banquet. The bait fish in turn attract game fish looking for an easy meal.
If you go night fishing, you'll not only need lights to see by, but Fishing Lights that draw fish close to your boat. Fishing Lights work by attracting tiny animals called plankton, which attract bait fish such as shad, herring and minnows, which in turn attract predator game fish such as bass, crappie, walleye, red fish, speckled trout and other species. Game fish gather near or in the circle of light to feed.
Plankton migrate to light for reproduction. Green Fishing Lights has the best ability to cause this to happen. White works, too, but white light is absorbed very quickly in water. It doesn't penetrate very deep so it's less effective than green, which maintains its color character at much greater depths. Some bait fish and game fish are attracted directly to the lights rather than the plankton or bait, and once again, green is superior for this purpose. In experiments, five different colors of lights were put in the water at the same time, and green always attracted bait (and thus game fish) far better. This fact is common knowledge now among anglers. Green Fishing Lights have quickly become most prevalent.
Blue like green has a greater distance of effective area. But for some reason, Blue Fishing Lights work in saltwater but won't attract bait fish in freshwater. For example, when we dropped a blue light in a freshwater lake in North Carolina, Blue back Herring wouldn't come to it. But green light was very attractive to these bait fish.
White Fishing Lights are still available and still effective to some extent, but not as effective as green. So when you have a choice, purchasing Green Fishing Lights probably is the best option. And if you still have White Fishing Lights you use, adding one or more green lights will increase the effectiveness of your illumination efforts.
Two primary types of fishing lights are Floating or Submersible Fishing Lights, and Mountable or Dock Fishing Lights are used for night fishing. Floating or Submersible lights are used to attract fish and can be used separately or in combination. While also providing more above the water lighting for tying knots, hooking bait and unhooking fish. Floating Lights were the standard of night fishermen for many years, but the users of these lights often had to contend with annoying swarms of insects drawn to the lights along with fish. For this and other reasons, Fishing Lights that can be submerged were developed that slide beneath the surface and light up the depths. Battery-powered, 12-volt, LED and fluorescent models are available, with white,green or blue lights. Great for Crappie,Flounder Shrimp, Speckled Trout,Walleye,Tuna,White Bass Lobster,Red Fish,Squid and more. Mountable or Dock Fishing Lights are used to illuminate the water to attract fish, fishing line, allowing the angler to see, rather than just feeling, line movement. In recent years, floating lights with more energy-efficient LED or fluorescent illumination have become widely available. Also, green and blue fishing lights have become available in addition to white. Power for these models may come from standard 12-volt alligator clips. The best also have long, safely insulated cords. Fishing Lights in different colors for anglers everywhere have now become common accessories for many different types of fishing. Fresh or Saltwater, Recreational, Sport or just catching live bait using a fishing light can up your game. Choosing a color depends on what you are fishing for. So, Click Here for more information.
Posted by Sarah Stewart on October 31, 2013 at 6:31 AM under
FL30 FLOOD LIGHT, Hydro Glow, bait fish, blue fishing lights, dock, fishing accessories, fishing lights, floating, fresh water, game fish, green fishing lights, mountable, night fishing, salt water, submersible, white fishing lights
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What Color Light Is Best for Night Fishing
Source: http://www.fishingwaderspro.com/blog/post/3576354
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